Ardmac Diversity Plan
Ardmac know that our employees are our greatest asset and we are committed to both establishing and maintaining an inclusive environment for all our staff where they can feel part of the business and thrive in their daily activities.
The Ardmac Group is both appreciative of and sensitive to the needs of disadvantaged groups of people and wherever possible considers those needs when formulating its policies. Read our diversity plan below.
Diversity Goals
Ardmac are focused on three Goals in order to achieve our Diversity/Inclusion Plan,
1. Creating an environment that attracts the best candidates in a way that is welcoming and respectful for all concerned
2. Recruiting diverse levels of staff throughout all parts of the business
3. Corporate Social Responsibility where inclusion and diversity are both valued and promoted
Goal 1: Creating an environment that attracts the best candidates in a way that is welcoming and respectful for all concerned
Ardmac uphold our core value of ‘Respect Always’ where we respect people to ensure we have an inclusive culture in which there is no oppressive behaviour including harassment or victimisation of any kind.
Goal 2: Recruiting diverse levels of staff throughout all parts of the business
Ardmac operate recruitment strategies that are free of any type of bias. Ardmac will seek to use a variety of methods which will allow us to recruit a diverse level of staff throughout all our business entities including those from under-represented groups.
Goal 3: Corporate Social Responsibility where inclusion and diversity are both valued and promoted
We regard our Corporate Responsibility obligations as the link between our activities and our core values. Our core values are realised through the implementation of our Corporate Responsibility Policy encompassing safety, environmental and quality policies, procedures and guidance, enabling the complete execution of our organisational goals while ensuring all affected by our activities are treated fairly with honesty, transparency and respect. Ardmac are committed to the provision of a safe secure place of employment where inclusion and diversity is valued and promoted.
Our Commitment
• Ardmac is committed to recruit, select and promote employees solely based on their merit, capability, qualifications and experience.
• Opportunities to progress within the Group will be equally available for all employees.
• Our aim is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, creed, colour, race or ethnic origin, or disability or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.
• Selection criteria and procedures are frequently reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and treated based on their relevant merits and abilities.
Human Resources Policy